21 and 22 October: Wellness Weekend with Rita
Foot Reflexology ON ZON SU and Cellular Memory Decoding with Rita
Our biography is written in our biology: all the experiences we have lived are recorded in our cells and with them our emotions, survival mechanisms, behavioural patterns and self-limiting beliefs (our own or inherited) used to survive in such circumstances.
The physical body only lives in the present, it is our mind that distinguishes between past, present and future: when something we are experiencing in the present vibrates or resonates with a memory from our past that we have stored in the cells of our body without ‘processing’ it, this is activated and our feeling, thinking, acting and way of perceiving reality is conditioned by what was experienced in that past event. This can lead us to repeat situations and feel stuck in a loop that we cannot get out of.
Since this information is not available at a conscious level, we need a tool that allows us to access this data: decoding the cellular memory allows us to work with those unprocessed memories of the past, to become aware of how they condition us in the present, and to ‘neutralise their charge’ in order to become free to choose again, without the burden of the past.
In practice, a modified kinesiology test and other instruments are used, allowing us to
1. Decipher the physical, mental and emotional blocks sustained over time by the personal belief system.
2. Discover what are our familiar mandates and beliefs and limiting patterns of behaviour.
3. Erase stress associated with traumatic situations.
4. Release the ‘past event’ from its emotional charge, belief, pattern, and conditioning to which it is fused; activating the right hemisphere and allowing the person to make decisions from their own free will.
It is an ancient art of foot massage whose roots go back to the Ancient Chinese tradition.
Its foundations date back to the Masters of pre-dynastic China and its principles are based on the theories of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements.
This ‘art for health’ has been handed down for millennia and is still used by some traditional Taoist doctors who preserve it in their culture and folk knowledge. With this method, it is possible to rebalance the mind-body unity, activating the person’s Qi (‘the life breath’) and regulating the In and Young system; this enables
– the optimisation of the organism’s functions
– the stimulation of the body’s defence mechanisms;
la possibilità di alleviare molti disturbi fisici (dolori articolari, allergie, cefalee, disturbi gastro-intestinali, edema periferico, regolazione del flusso mestruale, ecc….), le tensioni della mente (ansia, depressione, paure, ecc.) e molti di quei disturbi dovuti alla somatizzazione degli stati psichici.
Diceva il Maestro Loi Cio: “In ogni seme c’è un mondo”, il piccolo (il microcosmo) rispecchia il grande (il macrocosmo). Possiamo allora dedurne che i piedi, in piccolo, contengono il corpo, e che le leggi che regolano il corpo sono le stesse che regolano l’universo.
Durata: 45 minuti – Contributo: € 30
For information and reservations +39 347 696 1312