Join us to celebrate the spring equinox 2025.
Yin Yoga uses tools (blankets, pillows, bricks, etc) to allow the body to relax comfortably in the postures.
Tibetan and crystal bells, gongs and ancestral instruments will envelop you completely, amplifying your sensory experience.
In addition to being a complete sensory experience, the work will work in depth by purifying your subtle energy body.
Get in tune with the rhythms of nature. Even if your perception of yourself* is limited and your view of the world fragmented, remember that you are part of the infinite cosmos. You think you are just the drop, but in reality you are also the ocean.
This will be a unique and special moment of introspection that will take you on a deep meditative journey. Leave the lethargic energy of winter behind you and prepare to flourish, blossom and expand.
The spring equinox is a special astronomical time of year as the sun’s rays arrive perpendicular to the earth’s axis of rotation. The word equinox comes from the Latin aequĭnoctĭum, meaning ‘equal night (to day)’, that is, that day of the year when the hours of day and night are equal.
Reconnect with nature and its natural course.
Yin Yoga is a deep practice that harmonises Chi (energy flowing through the energy channels -meridians-). Based on the system of energy movements of the Taoist philosophy, it balances the energy supply in the meridians (it brings energy where there is deficiency and helps it flow through its unblocking where there is excess). The movements also have analogies with the seasons, the phases of life, our organs, our mind, our emotions.
On Friday 21st you will have the opportunity to practice a session completely dedicated to the Wood element and you will work on the Liver and Gall Bladder meridians harmonising their Chi. The Wood movement expresses its greatest expansion during spring.
Yoga session suitable for all levels.
Duration: 90-120 minutes – Fee: € 25
For info and bookings send a WhatsApp to:
Monica. +39 347 6961312
Elisa. +39 339 6215556