June 10th: Workshop “Jade Fairy” for all women

Theoretical and practical workshop on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Therapeutic Qi Gong, open to women of all ages.
By Dr Amal Oursana
When? SATURDAY 10th June from 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm
The course provides a theoretical explanation of traditional Chinese medicine and practical exercises on female issues of gynecological problems at all ages.
This method allows us to give tools to use on ourselves and others in order to harmonize the elements. It has a depurative action on the liver and blood. It is indicated in women to regulate hormonal and gynecological problems, limiting the signs associated with menstrual irregularities, fertility and menopause.
Qi Gong raises the energy level of the organs and meditation purifies the nerve centers connected to the organs that resonate with our traumas, such as the amygdala and hippocampus.
When we are in stability the spirits of the heart can progress in the right direction with clarity and consistency.
Amal Oursana, graduated in medicine and surgery at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in 2006, specialized in clinical pharmacology in Florence, after spending years in the cardiology department in Modena and in the headache center in Florence, She trained in Taoist Chinese medicine as an acupuncturist and therapeutic qigong instructor. He also took the path into the Sufi Way under the guidance of the Sufi master Sheykh Nazim.
The cost of participation in the seminar is € 60
Reservation required