Sunday 8 October: Family Yoga


Family Yoga (parent + child* from 1 to 3 years) cultivates the parent-child relationship using the body, in a welcoming and light environment that encourages socialisation between children and between adults.

Yoga, for this age group, is proposed in the form of play and used as a tool to encourage bonding and listening to the sensations of the body, oneself and one’s child.

The meetings have a basic structure that may vary according to the needs of the children, parents and group. They will consist of an initial welcoming ritual, get-to-know-you games, contact games, couple games, singing, movement, breathing, relaxation, massage.

In time, it will be possible for mothers to practice some asanas together with their son/daughter or to dedicate their own space while the child observes or plays with the other children.

A presentation will be held on Sunday 8/10 at 10.30-11.30 am. The fee for the presentation is Euro 10.

The course will be held on Wednesdays from 5-6 pm on the following dates:

18 October , 25 October, 8 November and 15 October

The contribution for the course is Euro 50

For info and bookings:

339 4470332 (Elisa)